Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Character Quotes - Magus Filinthus

This is a new, but small, segment to celebrate good quotes coming from a video game characters. These quotes are usually ones that bring a smile to my face or give me something to think about. Today it's the crotchety old lush of a mage from World of Warcraft: Magus Filinthus

"A mailbox? Well is that not the salt on the wounds! Twenty years cut-off from the world and now a mailbox! WONDERFUL!"

Summer time! - Wooooo!

Here already and it's a beautiful thing. For the new season the blog has a new name: "Switch On"; it's chic. Anyway, to get us started with the awesome gaming summer we're all going to have, here's the latest audio words from me; the One, True Omnigammer. Enjoy: