Friday, June 12, 2009

This just in (or not) – Meet the Spy

You know ladies and gentlemen I hate to be the last to know anything, especially in gaming. That’s why I almost cried (well not really) when they put out the ‘Meet the Spy’ video almost a month ago, and I didn’t find out until recently. Now for people who don’t know, the ‘Meet the’ videos are funny, hyper-violent profiles on the characters of the Team Fortress 2. I love the game but not so much Valve, the creators of the game. Why? Because TF2 first released on the Orange Box and it was good; but then they released it (TF2) for the PC as a stand alone game. Now the PC version get’s regular software updates, new stages, upgraded weapons, and all other bells and whistles; while the console versions are super glitchy, have no type of content upgrades and hacked roughly in one out of seven matches. Valve, I don’t care what issues you’re having with Microsoft and/or Sony about the Orange Box but overlook them and give your console fans some love.

Anyway, enjoy the video and if you want to see more go here.

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